Tuesday 15 February 2011


photography (25312) RULE OF THIRDS

Rule of Third.

Photo dibawah mempunyai element- element yang terdapat dalam Rule of Thirds seperti:
  •  Composition
  • Color
  • Light
  • Emotion
                                          Rule of Thirds in Composition


                                          Rule of Thirds in Color


                                      Rule of Thirds in Light

                                          Rule of Thirds in Emotion



Wednesday 2 February 2011

photography (25312)

Asgment ke-2

Tajuk 1: Mengambarkan orang yang sedang bermain skateboard.
Exposure time :56 sec
ISO speed : ISO 100
F-STOP : F/22
Flash mode : No flash,compulsorya
Location:Taman ,waterfront kuching

Tajuk  photo light 2: seorang sedang bermain bola tampar
                                        Exposure time :45 sec
                                        ISO speed : ISO 100
                                         Flash mode : No flash,compulsorya

Tajuk  photo light 3: seorang membaca surat khabr
                                        Exposure time :57 sec
                                        ISO speed : ISO 100
                                         Flash mode : No flash,compulsorya